Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Birthday Week!

   I  am going to try to update this blog more often, it has been a bit mundane with out working...but as of last week, I was offered two different jobs, one with Beaverton School District, as a substitute and one at Starbucks. I have officially started to work in Oregon as of today! God is good and faithful. This week is also my birthday and I have been enjoying the sunny spring weather with cool breezes and long sunshiny days!
   This past weekend Chau and I took Bella to Seaside Beach (about an hour and a half away), where we ended up taking Bella to the water and she LOVED it! Luckily we found a retractible leash on sale a few days before our trip because she took off toward the water like she was returning home. I never knew how much joy that could bring me. She took to it well and started jumping over the waves coming at her, and then would bite at it deeper and deeper until the leash slack ran out. Here is a picture...

    We had such a great day, and Bella definitely found her favorite place. Later on we checked out a couple other places and went to meet up with some friends at another beach about 10 minutes away to have dinner and let Bella run into the ocean once again. We had a blast and really enjoyed adventuring around on the coast. Sunday was a day of relaxing, the weather was amazing again, and we ended up doing nothing. Bella, after her water escapades, was beat and would not even get up to go on a walk. Don't worry, she has fully recovered. 
     I look forward to this week, yesterday it was 86 degrees... and it doesn't look like it will cool down any time soon (I thought we moved to a cooler/ rainy climate). Today I have off to enjoy my birthday and then continue on with working up here and feeling like things are headed back to normal. I feel good about life and am looking forward to what is to come! Please feel free to comment or ask questions, as I continue to update more often, I would like to hear from all of you!

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