Friday, April 26, 2013

The Little Things

     In the midst of trying to figure life out up here, with the ups and downs of expectations and hopes hanging in the balance, including waiting for more than two months to hear about what I may be doing up here for work. God has been present. Since my last post, I have seen continual messages and posts about trusting God with out allowing the emotions or circumstances affect your reliance upon Him. I think he is trying to tell me something. 
    One of the best things I have learned these last few weeks came from a devotion I read about perspective. It talked about how we can either let our problems, planning or expectations control our perspective and distract us from our connection and reliance upon God, or we can stop thinking about what we want and look to God for his perspective. If we do this we can focus on trusting God instead of focusing on providing for ourselves. 
     I am happy to say once I realized that stressing or not knowing about what was going to happen next wasn't getting me anywhere but stressed and restless. I began to make it a goal to stop my reactions and start to be grateful for all that God has given me and all that He has planned. Almost instantly, things started to fall into place. Two weeks ago I received an email inviting me to interview for a school district near our house. I then went to the interview, and I thought it went really well, but you never know. Preparing for it reminded me why I love to teach and got me excited to potentially have this opportunity. During the interview I was asked if I would like to be considered for a full time position with the school district if one should open up. I felt so blessed. I do realize that this would be a slight is everything with education currently, and also, that I at this point had no idea if I would even be a sub, but I still had hope and was thankful for the opportunity. 
     This last Monday, I was called for an interview with Starbucks. I went the following day, and feel it went okay and will be hearing back about their decision this upcoming Monday. Later that day I opened my email and found out that I was selected to become a sub for the school district I applied to! I am so excited about this and hope this will lead to a permanent position... needless to say, when I focused my energy and emotions on being thankful, (that I serve and am loved by a God that protects his children, and provides in ways we can not imagine) before considering what I need to do, He supplies the desires of my heart. In the midst of waiting (even now) I can see the treasure of getting to know Him more is priceless and even though I have encountered struggles in this new season, I would not ask to experience this new journey any other way.

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