Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Twists and turns

Hey everyone!
    Time has flown, it has been a very busy time since we arrived with unpacking, resting and trying to understand the process in which God has started within both Chau's and my life. Its been a bit of a roller coaster- now being up here and determining what our life will be once we are settled.
    We arrived in Lake Oswego, Oregon around 11pm Friday night (close to two weeks ago), after nearly an 11 hour drive up from Roseville, CA. Some good friends of ours provided us with their house to stay the night after the first 6 hours of driving. God is faithful and helped us to remain safe during both extremely long drives through California, and then Oregon. I am not sure how we drove the whole stretch in one day last time... Chau had one of his good friends drive up with him to keep him company, who was also stoked to see the Autzen Stadium in Eugene, on the way up. I had Miss Bella with me in my passenger seat, and she was excited to look outside the window and sleep in between. I must say she was a great co-pilot, but there were definitelytimes when I deeply envied her ability to sleep a long the way.     

      Due to the amount of hours we needed to cover, and the lateness of our estimated arrival, we were able to arrange to have the management provide a way for us to access our apartment after their office closed (this was not an option before). We were so grateful that this was now a possibility and upon our arrival, we discovered that they had placed a gift bag for Bella and some items for us as well, to welcome us home! Once we settled in for the night, it hit us how exhausted we were and how we had really wanted to sleep 4 hours earlier, so sleeping with out much of a bed was not a problem for any of us. The next morning we had our POD arriving (so we needed as much sleep as possible) with all of our furniture and belongings. Luckily, we were able to reserve a few parking spots for the POD to be positioned some what close to our apartment, although far enough a way to be a challenging workout.
      Instead of digging into the massive POD right away, we avoided it...and went shopping! We found a Target and were able to get necessary items, and a few things for comfort. We then thought of another way to avoid unpacking...Eating! Around 3 we finally had to start the process that seemed almost as bad as the 11 hour drive up...about an hour into the some what defeating task, a couple of my friends, who lived in the area came over and gave all of us the uplift we needed to then finish the job in 3 hours! It was amazing and I was sure that with out all of our friends helping, Chau and I would be living out of the POD for an undetermined amount of time...I for sure was not motivated to accomplish the unloading any time soon (if you could't tell). My friends who lived in the area also helped us by loaning us some items to help get set up. They were truly a blessing from God and helped us be encouraged in our tired state. They were able to help us stay focused and grateful in times of discouragement.We celebrated our accomplishments and thanked our friends by eating at a McMenamins. Such a blast!

 Chau and I had a week off together before he returned to work this past Monday. We have so enjoyed spending time going through our many boxes and seeing all the memories we have made through out our lives apart, and together. We have decorated (my favorite thing to do!) somewhat, still a lot more to go... (don't worry I will post pictures when all is looking more put together), organized (Chau's favorite thing to do...) and spent time dreaming and exploring life up here. Last week, I have to admit we spent a lot of time catching up on sleep and movie watching- we weren't super efficient on the whole unpacking idea...big surprise right...- Anyway, we loved enjoying our new place, our tv, and time to relax before reality would hit.

   Last Friday, we visited my cousin (so fun to have family up here) and went to see Oz the Great and Powerful in a small St. Johns theater, where we ate Pizza and watched the movie:). It's the simple things that make it so fun up here like eating dinner, while watching a movie in a small hoakie theater, for less then 10 bucks! Chau and I look forward to discovering more simple joys up here. Saturday, we explored our surroundings a bit more, and went thrift store shopping for a few items, but ended up empty handed...however, we continued our new fascination with the Fred Meyer grocery stores. These places have a starbucks, home goods section, electronics, clothing, kids section, and more going on and on and Walmart or Target, but so much better, cheaper and more organized. I think we have been there close to 10 times in the last week and a half...AND there is no sales tax in Oregon, so we think we are winning all the time when we shop! :) (we realize taxes are paid, just in other ways here). Sunday, we attended Easter Service at a church in Lake Oswego, and enjoyed it. I believe we will return this Sunday to check it out again. After the service, we went over to our friends, Dacia and Quint's house to have Easter Lunch. This was such a blessing and has really helped to make us feel supported up here. Not only have they helped us move, but they have openly offered to help further, lend us anything we need that they have, and now made us a meal, and gave us a gift to help us in our exploration of Oregon. Our hearts are filled and again, we are so grateful. We realize this is not by chance and we thank you all for your prayers and thoughts in our journey, I know that all we have experienced, or have been shielded from has been encouraged by your faithfulness in God, and your tender hearts toward us in this new and somewhat challenging chapter for us.

     Some prayer requests: Chau just started his job at the branch up here, and has had a great experience with his coworkers, feeling supported and encouraged, but at the same time, challenged in what his role up here will be in the long run. There has already been some unexpected feelings of discouragement and reflections on where he is currently, with an impatience and frustration with what he would like to be doing, and where he would like to be career wise. Despite that he is dedicated and determined to make it work. In reflection, I am feeling so blessed by him, that he is willing to sacrifice the time to support both of us in the move up here, and for the time I am unemployed. So please pray for encouragement, clarity and inspiration for him, as well as, peace and insight for me to best support him through out this time.

For me: I need a job. I have been applying continually and have heard little. A lot of the postings have still remained open weeks from when I applied. They are all listed as: still in progress. So, since we will need more income, I have looked at retail/any job as well, in the mean time. I would love a job that would fit me and what I love:). But I am also open to what works to make ends meet. Randomly, I have also recently been inspired through conversation, to consider looking into Occupational Therapy schools to go back and get a degree, but we will see, it definitely sounds like something that would fit me and be something that I would thoroughly enjoy. God definitely has an interesting way of supplying inklings that support the twists and turns of our lives...if nothing else allows us to think outside our box of living life our way.

"Do not be anxious about anything..." is a verse and concept that has definitely hit the depths of my heart during this move and currently in my search for work. I have been continuously reminded that God is in control, and this time is a time for transformation for me. No control, no way of planning and only reliance on His plan for Chau and me. I have faith, but am constantly tempted to freak out a little (or a lot). Please pray for Chau and me to not allow our current circumstances to blind us from the blessings and provision God has given.

Thank you all again for coming with us on this journey, and patiently waiting to read our updates, we truly appreciate your prayers and your desire to live life alongside us as much as you can!

More sooner than later....
      ~ Jess


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