Thursday, April 18, 2013

Little by Little...

Update time...
    So far we have had a total of maybe 4 days of rain since we have been here...kinda ironic, but the weather has been beautiful in all of it's changes. We have been able to discover more of the city we live in, with lots of fun coffee shops and pubs. We also checked out another church last weekend, that we liked a lot, although it's across town. We found out that the pastor and a few of the other attendees went to school in San Dimas down the street from Newsong at Life Pacific and/or grew up in SoCal right down the freeway from us. Such a small world! We will be visiting that church this weekend too.
     Bella has continued to make friends with the neighbors and has been playing Romeo and Juliette on our balcony with the dog on the first floor across the lawn. As well as, when we take walks, with the dog across the courtyard... and the two dogs down the way from us... Let's just say she is quite a social butterfly.
    Chau is doing well at his branch, and recently passed the licensing exam to continue his level of work up here. The branch manager seems to think highly of Chau and has made
sure he is on track to succeed here. As for me, I am still looking for jobs, and recently had an interview! I should be hearing about the outcome sometime next week. If not this job, then I am faithful that something will turn up soon! In the meantime, I am continuing to settle in and organize our space, along with walking our social butterfly and enjoying our surroundings.
     One thing I have come to learn during this time is that by stepping out in faith, you never know where or when you are going to stand on solid ground. Faith does not guarantee feeling comfortable, but it does
guarantee God's peace. I have definitely had moments of uncertainty from time to time, but the foundation of faith is to trust God daily. Everyday, I have been reminded that in order to have faith, you have to continually rely on God, despite how you feel at the moment or the challenges you are introduced to (may seem obvious, but can be easily overlooked when too busy, or caught up in life). Things may happen or not come to you in the way you expect, but God will always provide. Lately, I have felt that I was wandering in the desert, much like that of the Israelites, not sure where they were headed, but certain they were where God called them.
      I take this time wandering as a gift, to really take in my surroundings, to really appreciate and discover the depth of the love God has so graciously offered to me despite my flaws of being easily distracted, not being available and my immaturity in my walk with Him. This time away from familiar and comfortable surroundings has exemplified the amount of grace and peace that God provides. Exodus 16:14-20 talks about how God provides for the israelites in a way they have not seen before, in a specific way that would fulfill their needs of food for the day. Notice it is for the day not for the full 40 days they were wandering in the desert. He wants to be called on and engaged daily. He wants us to rely on Him. God is present and purposeful in how he makes himself available. All we need to do is come to him daily with our thoughts, feelings and needs. He provides in the best way possible for us. We just need to come to Him (Philipians 4:6-7, 19).
      I recently read a quote in a book that reminded me about how Love should be. I believe it speaks to how God models to us how we should love one another. "Love is expressed unequivocally in...the availability offered. The assurance that each will be there for the other when needed, when expected, when desired, is the confidence of being loved."-David Augsburger. God offers this daily, second by second. He sees all and knows all, yet he still takes the time and is there for us despite how we react or our level of willingness to receive from Him his affections. Do we live out love this way? Do we expect this from God? Do we even value this affection from God? What a revelation it is to realize that God loves us with such a passion that he not only desires our attention, but that He undoubtably provides for us on a daily basis in a way that is best for each one of us individually, so we can have the confidence that he loves us. All He wants from us is our reliance on Him.
    I know that this is a daily struggle, and I am trying to practice and live out what God desires. I feel so blessed despite the uncomfortable feeling of not knowing when or where I will work, or what Chau and my life will look like up here, but then again I am reminded that this time and uncomfortableness is a necessary ingredient for us to be reliant upon God and his desires for us to be continually looking to Him with our needs, desires and uncertainties.
      More updates soon- and hopefully more pictures!

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