Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Since we introduced our worlds to this blog, we have been showered with love, support and encouragement. I thank each of you who have been there for us through this exciting, yet difficult and scary process.  We are now two days away from our departure up to Oregon, and I am currently sitting at a Barnes and Nobel resisting buying more books- {I have a problem...:)} and using their internet, since we had to cancel our service early last week, (thus the delay in the posts, this one will be short). We have also been showered with invitations to connect before the move and were thrown a going away party to see friends from near and far one last time. We have thoroughly appreciated all the heartfelt connections and prayer warriors out there for encouraging us to move on the path that God has prepared for us. Joshua 1:9 has become our verse for this journey and has given us peace in the midst of our nervousness.
       Backtrack- March 8th, my last day of work, I enjoyed thoroughly, eating breakfast with a great friend, seeing and being able to say goodbye to my co-workers, (who I miss!) celebrating a friend with a baby shower and connecting with the new friends I made through APU. I was sad, but encouraged by all who I shared with, about our decision. God is good in his timing, and blessed me immensely by providing that job!
        Second week- Packing, packing, packing!!!! Our Pod arrived and I was the only on off of work! Oh and weather was nice and HOT... Fun times in that, baking in that POD....:(. All that week and the next Chau and I were sorting and packing to make sure we had all we needed and donated all we didn't. Thursday was a really long day and night, and all this to say our POD was picked up last week Friday.  Packed from floor to ceiling and back to front. We are glad that is over!
        This week we are finishing up with packing what we need with us, we have since spent time with family and friends, (yesterday at Disneyland!) as much as we can to soak it all up before the distance.

We love you all and are looking forward to your visits! (hint....hint)

I will most likely be posting more in a couple weeks, feel free to comment :) I really like this blogging!

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