Saturday, May 25, 2013

The rain has arrived...

   It seems as though so much can change in a short amount of time, however, that short amount of time can seem like it lasts months. Chau and I have been learning what it means to wait, in all aspects of the word.  We have seen the depth of what it means to live for God and not by the standards of this world, to lean on our community and have hope in things not yet seen. In general, as a person, you want to say that the tough times (where you have no control), are the worst and you would not wish it on anyone. I have come to understand that these tough times are what really makes people learn what it means to be real, to learn, to grow in compassion and empathy. When God calls us to live life with others, where we cry, laugh, experience joy and pain, I believe without experiencing the depth of these emotions, we cannot authentically unite with our brothers and sisters with the same perspective.   
     I know that Chau and I individually have grown up differently, with different life experiences, however, going through a major life change together, where it calls us to fully trust in God and his timing, helps us to grow both individually and as one. I have learned so much from him and his life growing up, which has began to open up my perspective to better empathize with his emotions and way of living (I would not have had this experience with out these tough times of waiting). I have also seen how community has helped me in my greatest time of need, feeling now somewhat isolated from my friends and family at home and going through yet another year with out my dad.
   All of this waiting has felt like a rain storm where things seem to continually fall, with out a way to stop it, but trusting in God's promises and to know that the rain will subside and at the end a beautiful rainbow, along with the endless variety of living things (including us) that have benefited from the much needed rain. With out rain (provided by God) life would suffer, (life dependent on Gods provision). Without the tough times, we would not realize the depth of how we need and depend on God and his perfect timing. Overall, we feel blessed and see God's hand in each chapter, each moment of uncertainty and are grateful for all of your support and prayers. God is using you in our lives in great ways!

picture taken 5/24/13
~More soon to come...

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