Thursday, July 11, 2013

Time is a funny thing...

   It's been nice despite the job search, to be able to have time to slow down a bit, and go through a number of boxes that have needed to be sorted through for quite a while. Even though there has been more time for this, it seems as though time has flown by. We are going into our fourth month up here and I can't believe it. I never thought the transition of moving to a new area would be smooth, but I have to say, beside the job search pitfalls with me, this transition has been a good one, with still a lot to discover and experience.
  I think the best part about this experience so far is seeing God's hand in our lives, relationship, friends and in His timing. We miss the comforts and familiarity of  what was home to us for 29 years, our families, and friends, but have seen how God even provides little comforts or reminders of what we need and gives to us when we need it. We have also seen how our true hearted friends have been encouraging and supportive, while giving us grace in this major transition. It has been such a blessing to hear from them, and be encouraged!
  One of the best blessings was to get to see some of you and my family two weeks ago, I guess it just makes us not feel so far away, when people you love come to visit! I look forward to many more friends and family coming through Portland, and for our trips down to Cali- to visit as well. I know that there will be stability soon, and Chau and I look forward to that day to be able to see our dreams come to life up here even more, or where ever God may lead us. :) Time will tell what it is that I am meant to pursue, same with Chau, and we are definitely excited to be walking with Him in this process, even if it seems like time feels slow but is actually passing quickly.

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