Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Life... full circle

     I swear I will be better at writing this blog on a more consistent basis. I thought since I do not have a full time job yet, that it would be easier to fill my time with blogging. This has obviously not been the case and I will work on that!
    As of now I have to say that the last two weeks have been filled with stress, joy and exhaustion. I loved being apart of my Cousin's wedding party, celebrating with her the new commitment she has been preparing for (for well over a year) finally come to fruition! Seeing my loving family and getting precious time after years of business, to sit down and spend it talking and updating.

STRESS: Is waiting to hear back multiple times for a job that I was looking forward to, getting the opportunity to go on a 4th interview (after two months of waiting) the day of the rehearsal of my cousin's wedding. Waiting again to hear back only to find out that they decided to go with someone else. Needless to say I am feeling a bit exhausted, but strangely still feeling joyful, and hopeful that we are heading in the right direction. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely disappointed and wish I knew the Why's of all the unknown reasons as to our current situation, but I am joyful that I have a husband who looks to God as knowing the reasons being good enough. As well as, that he encourages me to know that the disappointments in what we expect are not disappointments to God, rather it's a directive from God that he wants us somewhere else. For me I am not entirely sure where that is anymore (career wise). From my perspective, I have worked hard to become a teacher, or at least to work in the education field. I have a passion for working with individuals to help them achieve their greatest potential in the now, as well as, long term. I have my credential in k-8th with single subject specialties, my Masters in Education, and no job to validate all the education and time I have put into this field. However, I still love being around kids, and interacting with adults who want to better their lives with education. I seem to keep running into dead ends. I also am wondering if this is still my passion. Maybe this move up to Oregon is to show me that there is something out there that will fulfill me more that what I could have expected or wanted in the education field. Earlier on I wrote about looking into Occupational Therapy, and I am starting to think (rationally or irrationally) that this may be a direction I should dig deeper into, to see if there is something in this field that is meant specifically for me. Regardless of what direction I go, I pray that I am seeking God continually to allow for me to end up where He needs me. Prayers are appreciated for this as well!

JOY: Is seeing my cousin get married to her fiancé/now husband! And in return be able to see most of my family that I have not seen in three months or more likely years! I am joyful that I was able to sit and catch up with my Cousins, my Aunts, my Brother, and my Mom, Jay, Kim, and Jason. Nothing is more satisfying then being able to catch up on life with those you love. God provides even in the midst of stress and an overwhelming feeling of deadlines to make something like a wedding and gathering of people from all over the United States come inline to make it a joyful event. On another note, Chau was told by his managers that they are looking to start him on the manager track and have asked him to take the test this Friday to get him started in the right direction. All this to say we are still sorting out our thoughts about this, but definitely feel thankful that he is being recognized for his hard work and dedication to the job. In fact he was just surprised with an award and pin for his 5 years of service with the company yesterday.

EXHAUSTION: After all I have been apart of and the sense of not knowing what direction I am headed, I am feeling exhausted emotionally. Yet I know that there is more to come, both the good and the bad. I also know that I have much to learn about being content with the "right now" instead of trying to steal a glance at God's future for me. This has been a tough lesson for a planner like me... yet I know that God created me to be me, and that there is definitely a fulfilling career for me out there, I just have more adventures to partake in before I get there.

I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July! We will be watching the Music Man and The Sandlot as our tradition stands!

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