Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Since we introduced our worlds to this blog, we have been showered with love, support and encouragement. I thank each of you who have been there for us through this exciting, yet difficult and scary process.  We are now two days away from our departure up to Oregon, and I am currently sitting at a Barnes and Nobel resisting buying more books- {I have a problem...:)} and using their internet, since we had to cancel our service early last week, (thus the delay in the posts, this one will be short). We have also been showered with invitations to connect before the move and were thrown a going away party to see friends from near and far one last time. We have thoroughly appreciated all the heartfelt connections and prayer warriors out there for encouraging us to move on the path that God has prepared for us. Joshua 1:9 has become our verse for this journey and has given us peace in the midst of our nervousness.
       Backtrack- March 8th, my last day of work, I enjoyed thoroughly, eating breakfast with a great friend, seeing and being able to say goodbye to my co-workers, (who I miss!) celebrating a friend with a baby shower and connecting with the new friends I made through APU. I was sad, but encouraged by all who I shared with, about our decision. God is good in his timing, and blessed me immensely by providing that job!
        Second week- Packing, packing, packing!!!! Our Pod arrived and I was the only on off of work! Oh and weather was nice and HOT... Fun times in that, baking in that POD....:(. All that week and the next Chau and I were sorting and packing to make sure we had all we needed and donated all we didn't. Thursday was a really long day and night, and all this to say our POD was picked up last week Friday.  Packed from floor to ceiling and back to front. We are glad that is over!
        This week we are finishing up with packing what we need with us, we have since spent time with family and friends, (yesterday at Disneyland!) as much as we can to soak it all up before the distance.

We love you all and are looking forward to your visits! (hint....hint)

I will most likely be posting more in a couple weeks, feel free to comment :) I really like this blogging!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The start of it all...

    Life is surprising, I am sure this is not a shocking concept, however, it continues to keep me on my toes. In every nook and crany of the past 5 years, I could have never foresaw us moving to Portland, Oregon. But then again, I could not have seen us meeting 4 years prior to dating, becoming good friends and then end up very hapily married. God is good and I have never felt so blessed to be living life with Chau, and our puppy Bella. There may have been some curve balls thrown at us and our families, but I feel that despite the downs, God has been faithful.

JANUARY- (through July)
     So let's backtrack the last year of our lives to the point when Chau and I had a moment of clarity, that maybe God was trying to show us something other than what we were looking at; something that we were trying to make work on a daily basis. Exhausted and becoming more and more burned out, we decided that we needed a change. We were working on opposite schedules, myself feeling taken advantage of by being held to the evening schedule in the position I was in, but on the other hand loving working with students who needed guidance and encouragement. None the less, still unsupported and disrespected at work. I was looking for other options nightly. As a result, Chau and I were unable to see each other except to say good morning, and good night until the weekend, where we were still on different sleeping schedules. We felt like glorified and well matched roommates. Let's just say life was not ideal.

    Shortly after coming to the conclusion that there needed to be a change, we started looking for a house to buy. After searching for about a month, we found our dream house. It had a porch,( I realize this may not be a big deal to everyone, but it was huge to us!) we were dreaming about it and the rest of the house daily.... and well....nightly too. We were in love. Many visits to see what we could imagine about how our lives would be there. Then we took the next step...finding a realtor who could show us the inside of the house, which sealed the deal for us. We signed and practically gave the guy what he asked for the house- we were stoked! It was a done deal...or so we thought. Turns out the owner withdrew the house. Needless to say we were heartbroken and it became clear that God was trying to get our attention. Who, after receiving the offer they ask for pulls the house from the market?

   Two weeks after the house incident, I was laid off (with not even a day's notice). We didn't see that coming...

    Thank God for his provisions even in the midst of heartbreak he knows how to provide to prevent us from more distress. What my job did not know at the time was I had already interviewed for another job, and had my second interview with APU the day after I was laid off. I thought all was well, I had peace in my heart and was grateful that God prevented us from turmoil with only having one solid job, and no major mortgage payment, but felt that I would get this job at APU. One week passed. Two weeks, then three...no word from APU.

SEPTEMBER-(through Present)
Then the day came, I did not get the job. However, APU wanted to know if I would be interested in a Temp position. 6 months with no guarantee or benefits. I took it.

     I have greatly enjoyed and have been blessed by this job. I have made many new friends who pray for me and Chau, who love and accept us. I have learned new valuable skills and have felt like I have grown, spiritually and emotionally. Even though I have been experiencing such Joy working for APU, I consistently felt uneasy, not knowing if I would be staying or having to find another job.  Chau and I regrouped one night, feeling uncomfortable with where we were in life. Happy that we were now on the same schedule, but not quite living the life we wanted. We were not as drained, but felt we should be loving life. Isn't that what God wants for us? To live Life fully alive, in Him, with our gifts reflecting Him?
    I asked Chau if we could start to think about what would make this a possibility, we thought, well maybe not living so far from work, driving in traffic each day. So we looked at apartments, town homes, houses. Loved some, but not the price of rent. Then I said, Let's look out of state, just for fun. Right away we saw a very cute house for rent 3 bedroom 2 bath Craftsman for less than what we could find here. Others, were not that far off as well. Looking back at our first place (1 bedroom/1bath) the rent was about the same. Looking for apartments now closer to work was 1100 upward for 1bedroom/ 1bath. So moving out of state became more appealing. Our whole aim was to enjoy life more, not work to live at a minimum.
      Being that we have an amazing group of friends and a priceless community, as well as, loving families, we had a hard time imagining leaving them and moving away. Chau has been with the same friends since high school, and it would be like separating brothers if we left. I too have had such rich friendships and am still having a very difficult time thinking about not living in the same area as them.
Regardless, I asked him to think about possibly moving out of state, and just sleep on it. Why I felt so eager to explore other options, I can not explain. I had asked Chau a month earlier on a scale from 1-10, how he felt about moving, his answer was a 6...which doesn't indicate much either way. I guess we were both curious, but not willing to admit it.
   The night after we had our out of state home searching experience online and saw that there were other options that we could explore, we both slept on it, prayed and went on with our daily tasks and duties.
8 am Monday morning I received a call from Chau. "We should do it, I have prayed and I feel like God is pulling us that direction for a reason. I have never felt like this and I know this is what we need to do." Answering the phone to a phrase like "We should do it, I have prayed...etc." Left me spinning on what in the world he could be talking about... you see I am a night owl, mornings take a little encouragement and a lot of coffee for me to catch on to topics. Once I caught up with Chau and what he was talking about, I felt an overwhelming excitement and peace. The decision was made right then and there. We were starting a new adventure, another chapter in our life and our journey striving to follow God's gentle voice leading and nudging us to a place we have yet to discover.
     This was the start of an amazing journey, one that has already taught us about Love, Life and God's Blessings through the Unknown...